On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 00:16:05 GMT, Etienne wrote:

You can capture HTTPServerRequest as a function parameter in your vibe.web.web callback function and it'll detect this and send the object, so you can consult the session or cookies from it. Personally I would think themes would belong in different CSS files, so you could definitely send the variable containing the theme name to your diet template to get the corresponding CSS without having to generate a different diet template.

I am aware of being able to capture HTTPServerRequest/HTTPServerResponse.
The thing is I don't want to pass additional arguments without a need. (Assuming I need only to render template, nothing else).
On longer run it becomes cumbersome.

void getSomething(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) { render!("something.dt")(req, res); }


void getSomething() { render!("something.dt"); }

Well it isn't just matter of CSS :) Indeed that would be much easier :)
I need to change structure of HTML itself too.