Am 04.02.2014 18:01, schrieb Bear Cherian:

I was able to get this working on a 32-bit Ubuntu 12.0.4 instance, but still having trouble on the 64-bit instance.

dub v0.9.20
dmd v2.064

I installed the following packages - libevent-dev, libssl-dev, libev-dev, libphobos2-dev, dmd, dub

As root, I ran dub init vibedtest vibe.d, cd into vibedtest and run dub build -v.

This is the output on the 64-bit instance - This time no problem with pkg-config, but still issues compiling.

I'm just testing development of an app, so I can work with the 32-bit instance for now. But i would like to move this onto a 64-bit environment eventually.

Oh okay, I start so suspect something. Exit code -9 usually means that
the application (dmd) was killed by signal 9 (SIGKILL). This sometimes
happens when a process uses up too much memory. If this is the case,
you'll have to compile the application on a local Linux/64 computer and
just upload the binary (which often makes sense anyway), or upgrade the
memory of the VM.

You might also have luck with the latest beta version of DUB
(0.9.21-beta.3), which compiles each dependency separately by default
and thus can save a little on the memory usage.