On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 17:27:28 GMT, Etienne Cimon wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:48:17 GMT, Uplink_Coder wrote:

Solved it :D


That wouldn't be convenient, the directory paths would have to be entered manually for each dependency, no plug & play here. This needs to be in dub, each dependency would have to be compiled with a -J path that combines the "views" folders of every dependency down to the main project.

In this dpaste http://www.dpaste.dzfl.pl/4805d7da
is a way to see the views folders of all supprojects
from there a clever RegEx gives you a nice AA and you can
just pass the include-lines per string into your template.
you can event load them during initialisation and stringTemplate them into your .dt :D