Returning to dub/dlang after a long pause...
Both 32b/64b dub init writes weird (debug?) content to the console:
e:\MyProjects\D2\Dub\test2>c:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dub init
←[1;39;49mSelect ←[0m←[1;39;49ma package recipe format←[0m←[1;39;49m:←[0m
←[1;36;49m1)←[0m sdl ←[1;36;49m2)←[0m json
←[1;39;49m#?←[0m [2]:
←[1;39;49mName←[0m [test2]:
←[1;39;49mDescription←[0m [A minimal D application.]:
←[1;39;49mAuthor name←[0m [egilbert]:
←[1;39;49mSelect or enter ←[0m←[1;39;49man SPDX license-identifier (←[4;94;49mhttps://spdx.org/licenses/←[0m←[1;39;49m)←[0m←[0m←[1;39;49m:←[0m
←[1;36;49m 1)←[0m BSL-1.0 (Boost) ←[1;36;49m 8)←[0m BSD-
←[1;36;49m 2)←[0m MIT ←[1;36;49m 9)←[0m MPL- (Mozilla)
←[1;36;49m 3)←[0m Unlicense (public domain) ←[1;36;49m10)←[0m EUPL-
←[1;36;49m 4)←[0m Apache- ←[1;36;49m11)←[0m CC- (Creative Commons)
←[1;36;49m 5)←[0m AGPL- ←[1;36;49m12)←[0m Zlib
←[1;36;49m 6)←[0m GPL- ←[1;36;49m13)←[0m ISC
←[1;36;49m 7)←[0m LGPL- ←[1;36;49m14)←[0m proprietary
←[1;39;49m?←[0m [14]:
←[1;39;49mCopyright string←[0m [Copyright ┬⌐ 2024, egilbert]:
←[1;39;49mAdd dependency (leave empty to skip)←[0m []:
Success created empty project in e:\MyProjects\D2\Dub\test2
Package successfully created in .
The json + source file is however successfully created.
And both 32b/64b dub build afterwards works as expected:
e:\MyProjects\D2\Dub\test2>c:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dub build
Starting Performing "debug" build using c:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe for x86_64.
Building test2 ~master: building configuration [application]
Linking test2
e:\MyProjects\D2\Dub\test2>c:\D\dmd2\windows\bin64\dub build
Starting Performing "debug" build using c:\D\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe for x86_64.
Building test2 ~master: building configuration [application]
Linking test2
Any ideas/hints/advice about this? I'm on Win 10.