On Thu, 06 Feb 2014 16:26:38 GMT, John Colvin wrote:

On Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:53:34 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:


Okay, the direct cause is fixed now by fbf3998, but there is another error in the zeromq package description - an "importPath": ["."] field needs to be added or the compilation will fail without --combined. Maybe the easiest thing is to add that to the existing pull request.

Is this right:

I'm not sure I fully understand the difference between sourcePaths and importPaths

Looks good. "sourcePaths" are searched recursively for D files that are passed to the compiler and "importPaths" are paths that will be specified as -Ipath to the compiler. Most of the time they will be the same, but for the particular structure used here, they differ (if "importPaths": ["deimos"] were set, one would have to write import zmq.zmq; instead of import deimos.zmq.zmq;).