That will work, just the indentation of the HTML output will be messed
up (not that anyone will care...).
-> That is true :-) It is a bit annoying when viewing the output, but not really a big deal.
But I actually like the way it is
possible to override for the extends way of doing things. No need for
delegates or classes.
Yeah, it is kind of nice. In my project I just needed to have also just the contents retrievable (not the whole page), so I had a diet file extending the layout which just called another diet function rendering the contents. Soon later I had to write a Java servelet for a course at university and there more or less the technique I just presented was used, I think something like extends is not available for Java servelets. The benefit is that your contents are independent from the layout and the layout is independent from the actual contents, which makes it easier to reuse stuff. But I haven't tried it yet with D and vibe, so I don't know how practical it really is.
Best regards,