On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 11:30:57 +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2015-09-27 00:54, WhatMeWorry wrote:
Not that I dislike dub. Far from it, Dub's the best. But I think I've made some beginner's mistakes and would just like to start fresh.
I run Windows and I set up packages on both my C: hard drive and a N: flash drive. (I was trying make my development environment portable).
So now I have a mess like:
derelict-ft ~master: N:\DUBPackages\DerelictOrg\DerelictFT\
derelict-al ~master: N:\DUBPackages\DerelictOrg\DerelictAL\
What is the the best way to completely remove DUB off a system so I can start over again?
I'm particularly concerned with paths? I see there are remove-local and remove-path commands. Is there something like list-path or list-local commands?
There's the "dub list" command. It lists all packages/paths Dub knows
about. Both local and non-local packages.Not sure how it works on Windows but on Posix platforms it creates a
".dub" directory in your home directory. So I would guess removing that
and the binary itself./Jacob Carlborg
Oh, Ok. I must be making it more complicated than it is. So simply deleting N:\DUB_Packages and C:\Users\Kyle\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages should do it?
I kept reading about the "registry(ies)" and I thought I might need to do something special to clean that out.
Thanks! Oh, and I enjoyed your recorded video of you talk at the D 2015 Conference.