Hi Guys,

I am getting an error that doesn't make any sense to me...

HRA\adamw@INVICTUS:~/Projects/Adappt/Sources/Adappt> dub build --force
Package memutils can be upgraded from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8.
Use "dub upgrade" to perform those changes.
Building vibe-d 0.7.23 configuration "libevent", build type debug.
Running dmd...
Building derelict-util 2.0.0 configuration "library", build type debug.
Running dmd...
Building derelict-pq 1.0.1 configuration "library", build type debug.
Running dmd...
Building dpq2 0.1.7 configuration "static", build type debug.
Running dmd...
Building adappt source ~master configuration "application", build type debug.
Compiling using dmd...
Error: cannot read file source.d
FAIL .dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x8664-dmd2067-5EA8135B71290A4D525ECD952C36A8B0/ adappt source executable
Error executing command build:
dmd failed with exit code 1.

The only file I have in the source directory is app.d and all it contains is the following:

import vibe.d;

shared static this()
	auto router = new URLRouter();
	auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings();
	settings.port = 8080;
	settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
	listenHTTP(settings, router);

void hello(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
	res.writeBody("Hello, World!");

This appears to have started when I did a git init in the same folder as the dub.json file.

Thanks guys!