Am 19.02.2015 um 20:50 schrieb Sönke Ludwig:

Am 18.02.2015 um 21:15 schrieb Oleg B:

I have identic problem. Remove package and register it again made my
package unavailable.

I change description in dub.json. Can it cause of problem?

On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:09:21 GMT, Gary Willoughby wrote:

I've been clicking the Trigger manual update button for a while now
and the package is not updating. It still shows v1.1.1 when i've
released v1.1.2 on github.

Are there any issues with the registry?

In such cases, the most common cause is an error in dub.json. Do you (or
Gary) get any errors listed on the package management page
(<package name>)?

The plan is to send an explicit e-mail is such a case, but nobody had
the time to implement this so far.

Okay, tkd already seems to be updated. What was the cause?