About uglifying the API, I think if I needed to do this, I would just derive from implementing class and override the method instantiating the vibe template. Wouldn't this work?
In particular, in my code I ended up wrapping Diet templates in rendering functions. This way I got an explicit interface to the template (the function signature), which I can document with DDoc comments. That is also why I like the new compileDietFileMixin, as I already have my interface explicit via the functions parameters, so having to pass over values explicitly twice seemed like a wasted effort. I basically considered the template as a part of the function, just at a different place. The reasons I did this:
- I get an explicit interface, which can be documented.
- I can put display related D code into the D function before instantiating the template.
- If I wrote a reusable component, I can customize it by simply overriding the rendering functions. (No need to override Diet templates)
-> An additional benefit: This way it is possible to use multiple variants of the component in the same code base.
So basically the fact that the rendering happens via a Diet template got an implementation detail, that is hidden from client code.
Best regards,