On 10/31/2014 09:59 AM, Colin Grogan wrote:

When using dub to init projects, it can sometimes be annoying to manually look up each project on code.dlang.org to find the newest version for each required dependency, just so you can copy-paste that into the dub.json file.

Would there be much appetite for extending the init command to take in a list of dependency projects, and have it go and look up the DB to find the most recent version string and create the required dub file for you?

dub init myProject openssl logger

would automatically add: (correct at time of writing)

"openssl": ">=1.1.3+1.0.1g"
"logger": ">=0.3.3"

to your dependencies section.

It already supports this somewhat with passing vibe.d to the init command, though I dont know if this goes to the server to find the most recent version number.

Assuming it can fail gracefully, so that I can start a project without having an internet connection, I think it'd be a fantastic feature.

Matt Soucy