On 2013-09-15 13:06, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

So in case of GDC/LDC outputting a warning may be good enough to point the user into the right direction.


Hm, actually I don't even know how to e.g. get the proper GDC version as opposed to the underlying GCC version.

Me neither.

Do you think that travis-ci is a viable option for automatically handling potentially hundreds or thousands of packages? Depending on the available capacity, the specified minimum version could be automatically checked for validity, too.

Hundreds absolutely. Thousands, it will handle that as well, but I would
probably contact them about that first. It already handle thousands of
projects but I would say that it's a bit different if a thousand
developers add one new project or if one developer add a thousand new

From their site:

"Travis CI has run 2,729,247 tests for 23,102 open-source projects to
date, including Ruby, Rails, Rubinius, Rubygems, Bundler, Leiningen,
Parrot, Symfony, ..."


But I think a minimum version is ok for well maintained projects. At least personally I usually try to retain that version until something forces me to lift it, so I could as well document it.

Since I'm using DVM I'm calling it from my build scripts. It both
automatically uses the correct compiler when building and documents
which version is required.

/Jacob Carlborg