On Fri, 10 Oct 2014 07:32:22 GMT, Martin Nowak wrote:

This might be a good starting point.

Deimos packages are always header only libraries (source library as target type).

The Windows lib files should be distributed separately, so that people can install them in their LIB/BIN folder. In the dub package you then just add a library field, so that dub knows what to link.



I thought that libraries are distributed as a part of dub packages. I understand the advantages to using system-wide libraries, however, I can easily imagine a situation when I would want to use different lib (e.g., when deimos bindings are for some incompatible version). Also getting own versions of libraries can sometimes be a pain in the ass (especially on Windows), so the ability to distribute also these libraries would be good. Not to mention that windows do not have IMHO a standard library folder (aside from system32 and SxS).

Is it possible to somehow do it with dub?