Am 29.08.2014 18:24, schrieb Philippe Sigaud:


following the dub / policy, I added a version tag to one of my projects: Pegged.

The github repo now has a "v0.1.0" tag.

Now, the package was registered by Sönke, not by me. So how do I change the

 "dependencies": {
     "pegged": "~master"

description in the project installation section to

 "dependencies": {
     "pegged": "~>0.1.0"

or something equivalent?

The registry automatically picks up new tags after a while (it seems to
have found the 0.1.0 one now), so usually there is nothing more to do.

BTW, if you have a user account on, I can transfer the
repository ownership to you, so you can see any possible error messages
(just need your username or the e-mail address used for registration).