On 8/25/2014 12:25 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
The next critique I have of SDL is it doesn't have a solid specification. It DOES NOT include a grammar and when I attempted to write one it was clear that writing it was not a trivial task.
The LL parsing section of my SDL lib is annotated with a grammar
(including lookahead information) for SDL's nonterminals:
Reproduced here (Ident and Value are terminals handles by the lexer):
<Root> ::= <Tags> (Lookaheads: Anything)
::= <Tag> <Tags> (Lookaheads: Ident Value)
| EOL <Tags> (Lookaheads: EOL)
| {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
::= <IDFull> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator>
(Lookaheads: Ident)
| <Value> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator>
(Lookaheads: Value)
<IDFull> ::= Ident <IDSuffix> (Lookaheads: Ident)
::= ':' Ident (Lookaheads: ':')
::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
::= Value <Values> (Lookaheads: Value)
| {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
::= <Attribute> <Attributes> (Lookaheads: Ident)
| {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
<Attribute> ::= <IDFull> '=' Value (Lookaheads: Ident)
::= '{' EOL <Tags> '}' (Lookaheads: '{')
| {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
::= EOL (Lookahead: EOL)
| EOF (Lookahead: EOF)
Note: That's (sort of) the GOLD Parser Builder syntax (nonterminals are
in angle brackets):
<NonTerminal Token> ::= set of tokens | alternate set | etc...
I'll go through my SDL lexer and post a grammar for its behavior, and
then ask the main SDL guy to check it over.