I'm having trouble generating a Visual D project when referencing vibe.d user-wide on Windows 7. Steps to reproduce:
- "dub init <project>"
- Change package.json to reference vibe-d package
- "dub generate visuald"- vibe.d package and references will be downloaded and added to user directory (ex C:\Users\
- Open generated solution
- Add skeleton vibe style app.d and views (taken from here: http://vibed.org/docs)
- Build solution, build will fail
If you look at the output for building the vibe-d project it is something like this:
------ Rebuild All started: Project: vibe-d, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
Building .dub\lib\vibe-d_d.lib...
Error: Error reading file '.dub\obj\Debug\vibe-d\C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\vibe-d-0.7.16\source\vibe\core\drivers\libev.obj'
Building .dub\lib\vibe-d_d.lib failed!
Is there something I'm missing?