Am 25.07.2014 00:19, schrieb Gary Willoughby:

On Sat, 21 Jun 2014 21:20:54 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 21.06.2014 12:02, schrieb Gary Willoughby:

When is the new version of dub released? I need to use features of the latest version but i don't want me or others to use a beta release.

Most of the issues are resolved now. I'll try to get either a final
beta, or an RC-1 out in the coming days.

Hi Sönke, are we any nearer to another release please?

The only blocker right now is writing up an article about DUB's version
management in general and about the reasons for the deprecation of
master dependencies. Once that is done, I'd announce an RC-2 on the D
mailing list for final testing.