On Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:15:19 GMT, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:50:05 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 18.06.2013 15:48, schrieb Mike Parker:
I've attempted to register the Derelict package with the package registry and I keep getting the following error:
Turns out that there were still two places that couldn't cope with the
new "sub:package" style dependencies. Should work now.And it did. Thanks!
Derelict in the DUB registry, neat! I've been using both for quite some time now and they're a pleasure to work with.
But adding Derelict as a dependency isn't working for me:
"dependencies": {
"derelict" : "~master"
When running DUB, output is
Checking dependencies in 'F:\Dev\Temp'
Geting package metadata for derelict:devil failed, exception: object.Exception@source\dub\project.d(476): Could not find package candidate for derelict:devil ~master
0x004CE640 in char[][] core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace.trace()
0x004CE4CB in core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace.__ctor()
0x004972AA in pure @safe void std.exception.bailOut(immutable(char)[], uint, const(char[]))
0x0041B6BE in D3dub7project7Project25gatherMissingDependenciesMFAC3dub15packagesupplier15PackageSupplierC3dub21B60EA4234653C9F4E3984343A4BCCD at F:\Dev\dub\source\dub\project.d(477)
0x0048C6FD in _aaApply2
... Same message for about half the sub-packages. The others give a more detailed stack trace:
Geting package metadata for derelict:alure failed, exception: object.Exception@source\dub\project.d(476): Could not find package candidate for derelict:alure ~master
0x004CE640 in char[][] core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace.trace()
0x004CE4CB in core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace core.sys.windows.stacktrace.StackTrace.__ctor()
0x004972AA in pure @safe void std.exception.bailOut(immutable(char)[], uint, const(char[]))
0x0041B6BE in D3dub7project7Project25gatherMissingDependenciesMFAC3dub15packagesupplier15PackageSupplierC3dub21B60EA4234653C9F4E3984343A4BCCD at F:\Dev\dub\source\dub\project.d(477)
0x0048C6FD in _aaApply2
0x0041B2C5 in bool dub.project.Project.gatherMissingDependencies(dub.packagesupplier.PackageSupplier[], dub.dependency.DependencyGraph) at F:\Dev\dub\source\dub\project.d(487)
0x0041A88F in dub.project.Action[] dub.project.Project.determineActions(dub.packagesupplier.PackageSupplier[], int) at F:\Dev\dub\source\dub\project.d(277)
0x0040C47F in bool dub.dub.Dub.update(dub.project.UpdateOptions) at F:\Dev\dub\source\dub\dub.d(114)
0x0040312D in _Dmain at F:\Dev\dub\source\app.d(241)
0x0049A540 in extern (C) int rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).void runMain()
0x0049A576 in extern (C) int rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).void runAll()
0x0049A179 in _d_run_main
0x0048AF38 in main
0x752533AA in BaseThreadInitThunk
0x77149EF2 in RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x77149EC5 in RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x004D391C in mainCRTStartup
... More of the same...
Could not resolve dependencies
The dependency graph could not be filled, there are unresolved dependencies.
The following changes could be performed:
Failure derelict:devil ~master, userWide
Issued by:
derelict: ~master
... Same message for every sub-package ...
Error: Unknown dependency: derelict
Run 'dub help' for usage information.
I'm using DUB master. My mistake, or is something else going on?