On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 15:30:28 GMT, John Colvin wrote:

Error executing command build: Unknown dependency: zeromq

I'm getting a similar "unknown dependency" error when I try and build my Dgraph project with dub. Here's the package.json:

    "name": "dgraph",
    "version": "~master",
    "description": "A library for creating, analysing and manipulating graphs (networks).  It aims to be fast and memory-efficient while also being easy to use and extend.",
    "authors": ["Joseph Rushton Wakeling"],
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2013 Joseph Rushton Wakeling",
    "homepage": "https://github.com/WebDrake/Dgraph",
    "license": "GPL-3.0 or later",
    "targetType": "sourceLibrary",

    "subPackages": [
            "name": "graphtest",
            "targetType": "executable",
            "sourcePaths": ["util/graphtest/source/"],
            "dependencies": { "dgraph": "~master" }

            "name": "betweenness50",
            "targetType": "executable",
            "sourcePaths": ["util/betweenness50/source/"],
            "dependencies": { "dgraph": "~master" }

            "name": "betweenness10k",
            "targetType": "executable",
            "sourcePaths": ["util/betweenness10k/source/"],
            "dependencies": { "dgraph": "~master" }


Trying to issue a command like dub build dgraph:graphtest gives an error:

WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used for the dependency dgraph. Please use numbered versions instead. Also note that you can still use the dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a branch instead.
Error executing command build: Unknown dependency: dgraph

Note that while tweaking the "version" settings to a proper number gets rid of the warning, the unknown dependency error still prevents the build from completing.

I'm using latest from-git dub, pulled and installed within the last hour.

Is there a fault in the package specs (possible as I haven't updated package.json in months), or is this a bug?

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe