Am 17.03.2014 13:33, schrieb Dmitry:

I am trying to fetch simple repo from

dub fetch testrepos:
D:\Project\2014\App1>dub fetch test
Fetching testrepos 0.0.7...
Placing test
repos 0.0.7 to C:\Users\bubenkovdi\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\...
Failed to parse package description in C:\Users\bubenkov
Getting a release version failed: Expected version number in version spec: *
Retry with ~master...
Fetching test
repos ~master...
Placing testrepos ~master to C:\Users\bubenkovdi\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages...
Failed to parse package description in C:\Users\bubenkovdi\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\testrepos-master
Error executing command fetch: Expected version number in version spec: *

same with dub fetch --local test_repos

How I can specify fetching version?

p.s. here is still mention about using install instead of fetch

There is a bug for dub fetch xx --version=yy (which is supposed to
work), which didn't get caught in the 0.9.21 beta phase, I'll fix that.

On top of that, the latest version of the test repository contains some
syntax that is only barely supported on the GIT master version of DUB,
which results in the error message above.