On Sat, 04 May 2013 13:02:33 GMT, error of installation vibed wrote:
dmd 2.062
structure of package.json:"name": "your-project-identifier", "dependencies": { "vibe-d": ">=0.7.12" } }
Checking dependencies in 'C:\code\HTML' The following changes could be performed: Install vibe-d >=0.7.12, projectLocal Downloading vibe-d 0.7.15... Installing vibe-d 0.7.15... vibe-d has been installed with version 0.7.15 You are up to date Building configuration "library", build type debug Copying files... Running dmd (compile)... Error: Failed to spawn new process (╨Э╨╡ ╤Г╨┤╨░╨╡╤В╤Б╤П ╨╜╨░╨╣╤В╨╕ ╤Г╨║╨░╨╖╨░╨╜╨ ╜╤Л╨╣ ╤Д╨░╨╣╨╗.) Run 'dub help' for usage information.```
That error message looks awful.. looks like UTF-8 output on an ANSI terminal. You could try to execute chcp 65001
before running dub to see if the error message becomes readable.
But the error seems to indicate that dmd.exe could not be found. Do you have the "dmd2/windows/bin" folder of your DMD installation in your PATH environment variable?