On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 13:29:53 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 22.09.2016 um 16:24 schrieb Darren:


While I was trying to figure out how to get a package (gl3n) to work, I must have messed around because I get warnings in the CLI whenever I use dub. I see the following:

Locally registered package gl3n ~master was not found. Please run "dub remove-local C:\Users\Darren\D stuff\opengl\lib".

When I run that,I see: Missing path to package.

I've tried using remove-path, clear-caches, but nothing seems to work. If it makes a difference, I deleted that lib folder because it wasn't doing anything, then restored it back to the opengl folder.

(And I got gl3n to work fine! Just want to get rid of this warning/error message :) )

The error message is misleading/wrong, I'll fix that, as well as the
suggested command. The problem is that the path needs to be quoted
because of the space character.

Ah, that worked. Thank you very much!