See the case below:
=> Trying to use pkg-config to resolve library flags for ["event", "event_pthreads", "ssl", "crypto"].

The "ssl" and "crypto" libs are available in the system lib path but HAVE NO pkg-config file. The "event", "event_pthreads" DO HAVE a pkg-config file.
This result on full fallback for all libs. Why not use the available pkg-config --libs output and default only the missing ones?

dmd -of.dub/build/application-debug-posix.freebsd-x86_64-dmd-3016DEFA322F9B48A04F8D3A0B2ABCFD/web-framework-example .dub/build/application-debug-posix.freebsd-x86_64-dmd-3016DEFA322F9B48A04F8D3A0B2ABCFD/web-framework-example.o ../../libvibe-d.a -L-levent -L-levent_pthreads -L-lssl -L-lcrypto -g
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -levent_pthreads
--- errorlevel 1