On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:24:51 GMT, simendsjo wrote:

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:14:08 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 20.02.2014 13:28, schrieb simendsjo:

Haven't read all your links, but I think I've found a bug in the current git head.

Package 06-number-guess-defensive contains no source files. Please add {"targetType": "none"} to it's package description to avoid building it.

Then adding targetType none:

Error executing command build: Main package must have a binary target type, not none. Cannot build.

I've taken the latest source from
here and ran DUB (git
HEAD) on it without errors. Is that the right version of the package?

No, the code there is only for the released tutorials. I'm just running some tests locally before the next tutorial.
I basically moved ./source to ./cli/source, moved package.json to ./cli and added a subpackage in the main package.json.

My folder now looks like this.


     "name"        : "number-guess",
     "description" : "A minimal D application.",
     "copyright"   : "Copyright © 2014, simendsjo",
     "authors"     : ["simendsjo"],

     "targetType"  : "none",
     "subPackages" : ["cli/"]



And ./cli/package.json:

     "name"              : "number-guess:cli",
     "description"       : "Command line interface for the number guessing game",
     "copyright"         : "Copyright © 2014, simendsjo",
     "authors"           : ["simendsjo"],

     "stringImportPaths" : ["."],
     "targetName"        : "number-guess",

Okay, in case the root project doesn't contain any source files, you need to build the sub package manually (either using dub build number-guess:cli or cd cli && dub build). The name of the sub package should also be just "cli". There is an enhancement request on GitHub stating that in this situation all sub modules should be built instead of the root module, but that still remains to be implemented.

I downloaded the dub-registry project, but I could not see any updated documentation. Is it pending, or is it available somewhere else?

I'll update the sub packages section before uploading the final release. I think it would also be good to start using versions for the documentation, so that there can be an up-to-date documentation for master, but that will require some reorganization work first.

I already have one newbie video tutorial showing some dub and vibe features.
It's been posted to the G+ D group and D.learn forum.

I had just noticed that and already made a little blog post to increase visibility: http://vibed.org/blog/posts/apply-your-dlang Nice work, BTW!

Not sure if you also want me to add announcements in these forums or if it's unecessary..?

Those should be sufficient, I think. If you don't mind, I'll continue to feature the videos as blog posts, as those are less volatile than forum posts and hopefully reach a slightly wider audience.