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Internal server error - when trying to contact mongoDB


My code stops working and im getting such error on my site:

500 - Internal Server Error

BSON value is type 'double_', expected to be one of [int_]

Responsible code for Mongo comunication is:

    Json postLogin(string login, string password)
      logInfo("Recived data for " ~ login ~ " and " ~ password);

      Bson query = Bson(["username" : Bson(login), "password": Bson(password)]);
      Nullable!User rusr = users.findOne!User(query);
      if (!rusr.isNull)
        logInfo("User %s is allowed: %s", rusr.username, rusr.allowed);

        if (rusr.allowed)
          respond = IDT(true, "null").serializeToJson;

      else respond = IDT(false, "null").serializeToJson;

      return respond;


What is strange before it was working without any problems.


Re: Internal server error - when trying to contact mongoDB

I restored DB from some old backup and it is working again, so fault was somwhere on my site.