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Bug in Download

There is a bug in download

Re: Bug in Download

On Mon, 02 Jan 2017 13:37:22 GMT, Inquie wrote:

There is a bug in download

and a bug preventing me from posting the article giving me an unknown article id or not doing anything for replies ;/


Using download on the link above fails(while downloading, say, works fine).

Using the link directly in the browser also works.

Looking at what vibe d does, it seems only to add the port


but this is what google says:

Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.

but, again, putting the URL directly in a browser works fine.

Seems that download has a bug in it ;/

I'm also getting an "Unknown article id!" text when I try to post this message ;/ If the server is down or something then it should give a better error ;/

Re: Bug in Download

so, the bug in the forum software is due to me trying to post links(I replace dthe links with > link and the post go through but when I post the actual link as the reply, I just get the earlier messages without the reply going through:

So, I can't get the links to go through for any reason(tried to break them up with new lines).

So, go to a video on youtube and copy the long url(the url you can paste in to the browser address and it will bring up only the video or ask to download it. The link is about 500+ characters long.

Then try to post it here and you will see that it craps out the software.

(so multiple bugs being found here, one with the download function in vibe.d and one with trying to post certain links in the the forum)

Re: Bug in Download

Am 02.01.2017 um 14:43 schrieb Inquie:

so, the bug in the forum software is due to me trying to post links(I replace dthe links with > link and the post go through but when I post the actual link as the reply, I just get the earlier messages without the reply going through:

So, I can't get the links to go through for any reason(tried to break them up with new lines).

So, go to a video on youtube and copy the long url(the url you can paste in to the browser address and it will bring up only the video or ask to download it. The link is about 500+ characters long.

Then try to post it here and you will see that it craps out the software.

(so multiple bugs being found here, one with the download function in vibe.d and one with trying to post certain links in the the forum)

Can you post the link to a pastebin entry
containing the link(s) in question? I'm unsure how to get hold of the
kind of link you are talking about.

Re: Bug in Download

On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 21:29:16 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 02.01.2017 um 14:43 schrieb Inquie:

so, the bug in the forum software is due to me trying to post links(I replace dthe links with > link and the post go through but when I post the actual link as the reply, I just get the earlier messages without the reply going through:

So, I can't get the links to go through for any reason(tried to break them up with new lines).

So, go to a video on youtube and copy the long url(the url you can paste in to the browser address and it will bring up only the video or ask to download it. The link is about 500+ characters long.

Then try to post it here and you will see that it craps out the software.

(so multiple bugs being found here, one with the download function in vibe.d and one with trying to post certain links in the the forum)

Can you post the link to a pastebin entry
containing the link(s) in question? I'm unsure how to get hold of the
kind of link you are talking about.

Re: Bug in Download

On Mon, 02 Jan 2017 21:47:30 GMT, Inquie wrote:

On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 21:29:16 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 02.01.2017 um 14:43 schrieb Inquie:

so, the bug in the forum software is due to me trying to post links(I replace dthe links with > link and the post go through but when I post the actual link as the reply, I just get the earlier messages without the reply going through:

So, I can't get the links to go through for any reason(tried to break them up with new lines).

So, go to a video on youtube and copy the long url(the url you can paste in to the browser address and it will bring up only the video or ask to download it. The link is about 500+ characters long.

Then try to post it here and you will see that it craps out the software.

(so multiple bugs being found here, one with the download function in vibe.d and one with trying to post certain links in the the forum)

Can you post the link to a pastebin entry
containing the link(s) in question? I'm unsure how to get hold of the
kind of link you are talking about.

Thanks! The original issue turned out to be that the URL contains spaces for the "title" parameter (title=Orchestration Lesson Mahler, Part 1), which is actually invalid. Browsers usually automatically convert spaces to "+" or "%20" before sending the request, but the download function is more of a low level tool than meant for directly processing fuzzy user input, so it doesn't do that. It should, however, probably make an effort to at least error out before sending the request - I'll open an issue for that.

For some reason the link also triggered the spam filter (I've manually de-classified it now), which caused the message to get lost.

Correct link for verification:,ei,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source,upn,expire&id=o-AMFvw6Bjsxc3ujdl1BnBBCWcjz8sK5QdCc6zKjscb93a&expire=1483415111&requiressl=yes&pl=24&ipbits=0&itag=22&key=yt6&mime=video/mp4&lmt=1471128800661970&ratebypass=yes&upn=8K9pVel_8wQ&mn=sn-bg5oqxjvh-xa2e&source=youtube&mm=31&ms=au&mv=m&mt=1483393349&dur=803.596&signature=82BED0C7E60796AE8E114177BCE34BA5A7AF9D6D.B22E8991EDFFBDC7CBB2EA828329231684F0A055&title=Orchestration+Lesson+Mahler,+Part+1

Re: Bug in Download

Issue: #1653