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Kill a runTask?

D newbie here. My questions are:

1: How to terminate runTask()? Do I even need to terminate it?
2: Am I destroying the object properly here (from within the class)?

I am running into a situation when I try to free up an object. Consider the following pseudo code:

// app.d
shared static this()

listenTCP(25, (conn){
	Client client = new Client(conn, db);


// client.d
class client

this(TCPConnection stream)
	this.conn = stream;
	this.task = runTask(
		while (!this.quit && this.conn.connected()) 
			auto ln = cast(string) this.conn.readLine();


void close()


And when a client says "QUIT" I would like to destroy the object using close() but I get an error like so:

object.Error@(0) access violation at line --> while (!this.quit && this.conn.connected())

Thanks for your help

Re: Kill a runTask?

Please ignore the issue has the conn object which is no longer available because I had a this.conn.close(); call earlier.


Re: Kill a runTask?

On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 20:33:41 GMT, Usman Malik wrote:

Please ignore the issue has the conn object which is no longer available because I had a this.conn.close(); call earlier.


Just for completeness, I'd recommend the following structure:

shared static this()
	listenTCP(25, (conn) {
		auto client = new Client(db);

class Client {
	TCPConnection conn;
	void close()
		conn.close(); // will cause the loop in handleClient to exit
		// destroy(this) wouldn't free any additional resources
		// at this point - conn and task already have their resources
		// freed. You could do "delete this;" but it's usually a
		// better idea to let the GC take care of it, or use
		// RefCounted!Client instead
	void handleConnection()
		while (!conn.empty) { // returns false when the connection gets closed
			auto ln = cast(string).conn.readLine();

This avoids a long-running constructor, and drops the task completely. When listenTCP() calls the callback delegate, that already happens within a newly started task, so starting another one in this case just produces overhead. Instead of .connected, you should always use either .empty or .waitForData() when followed by a read operation. .connected is for checking if the connection is ready for writing. This distinction is important, because the TCP connection can be in a half-closed state where only one of the two is still possible.