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htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

Hi guys!

I thought I'd let you know about a few libraries I've pushed to over the last few weeks.
Everything is MIT license for those who care.

They are the result of me not finding anything suitable to scratch my itches, so I decided to share them in case someone finds themselves in a similar spot.

mysql-lited is a very simple but efficient mysql/mariadb client library. The goal was to make it a simple solid efficient base so that more abstractions can be built on top of it. I have written a few very useful extra layers that I might share at some point as a separate module, as their use cases solidify.

htmld is a simple non-validating parser based on fb55's htmlparse2 for nodejs. It's a component on a module I'm writing to convert HTML+CSS+images into HTML with everything embedded for emails - similar to existing libs for other languages. Currently only the parser is implemented, but I plan to add static and a dynamic DOM builders soonish.

cssd is another quick non-validating parser that written from scratch for the purpose of using it in the embedded HTML+CSS+images module. It includes a selector matching module that is DOM-representation agnostic and supports all CSS3 selectors. Currently it does not implement any @rules.

Please, feel free to send suggestions, comments and critiques my way!

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

On Thu, 02 Apr 2015 19:29:51 GMT, Marcio Martins wrote:

Hi guys!

I thought I'd let you know about a few libraries I've pushed to over the last few weeks.
Everything is MIT license for those who care.

They are the result of me not finding anything suitable to scratch my itches, so I decided to share them in case someone finds themselves in a similar spot.

mysql-lited is a very simple but efficient mysql/mariadb client library. The goal was to make it a simple solid efficient base so that more abstractions can be built on top of it. I have written a few very useful extra layers that I might share at some point as a separate module, as their use cases solidify.

htmld is a simple non-validating parser based on fb55's htmlparse2 for nodejs. It's a component on a module I'm writing to convert HTML+CSS+images into HTML with everything embedded for emails - similar to existing libs for other languages. Currently only the parser is implemented, but I plan to add static and a dynamic DOM builders soonish.

cssd is another quick non-validating parser that written from scratch for the purpose of using it in the embedded HTML+CSS+images module. It includes a selector matching module that is DOM-representation agnostic and supports all CSS3 selectors. Currently it does not implement any @rules.

Please, feel free to send suggestions, comments and critiques my way!


I am getting errors on the recent build of mysql-lited,

source\app.d(107,4): Error: expression optional is void and has no value
..\..\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\mysql-lited-0.3.4\src\mysql\row.d(40,20): Err
or: template instance app.usedb.PlaceFull.hasUDA!(thumbnail, IgnoreAttribute) er
ror instantiating
     instantiated from here: isWritableDataMember!(PlaceFull, "thumbnail")

#... more errors like this

I wanted to test the nested struct, so I copied the code from github and compiled, it gave me these errors...

it says the the expression optional is void and has no value.
and has something to do with hasUDA!...

can you help me?

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

On Sun, 14 Feb 2016 15:39:28 GMT, Louie Bacani Foronda wrote:

On Thu, 02 Apr 2015 19:29:51 GMT, Marcio Martins wrote:

Hi guys!

I thought I'd let you know about a few libraries I've pushed to over the last few weeks.
Everything is MIT license for those who care.

They are the result of me not finding anything suitable to scratch my itches, so I decided to share them in case someone finds themselves in a similar spot.

mysql-lited is a very simple but efficient mysql/mariadb client library. The goal was to make it a simple solid efficient base so that more abstractions can be built on top of it. I have written a few very useful extra layers that I might share at some point as a separate module, as their use cases solidify.

htmld is a simple non-validating parser based on fb55's htmlparse2 for nodejs. It's a component on a module I'm writing to convert HTML+CSS+images into HTML with everything embedded for emails - similar to existing libs for other languages. Currently only the parser is implemented, but I plan to add static and a dynamic DOM builders soonish.

cssd is another quick non-validating parser that written from scratch for the purpose of using it in the embedded HTML+CSS+images module. It includes a selector matching module that is DOM-representation agnostic and supports all CSS3 selectors. Currently it does not implement any @rules.

Please, feel free to send suggestions, comments and critiques my way!


I am getting errors on the recent build of mysql-lited,

source\app.d(107,4): Error: expression optional is void and has no value
..\..\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\mysql-lited-0.3.4\src\mysql\row.d(40,20): Err
or: template instance app.usedb.PlaceFull.hasUDA!(thumbnail, IgnoreAttribute) er
ror instantiating
     instantiated from here: isWritableDataMember!(PlaceFull, "thumbnail")

#... more errors like this

I wanted to test the nested struct, so I copied the code from github and compiled, it gave me these errors...

it says the the expression optional is void and has no value.
and has something to do with hasUDA!...

can you help me?

Ha yeah, that is most likely because you have vibe's included as well. The error message is not very descriptive is it?

Instead of @optional, try @(mysql.optional)

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

I tried making a test class and see if I can use this kind of syntax

class Db {
	static MySQLClient client;

	shared static this(){
		client = new MySQLClient("");


	static void test (string s=""){
		auto conn = client.lockConnection();
		int[] ids = [28, 4, 3, 5, 8, 13];
		conn.execute("select name, email from users where id in " ~ ids.placeholders, ids, (MySQLRow row) {

For some reason this works, but it executes twice, I can see output being written twice:

and when I press ctrl+C it shows an error that loops saying:

InvalidMemoryOperationError@src\core\exception.d(679): Invalid memory operation

Can you provide any other example on how you used this? aside from the void usedb() on the readme.

I wanted to wrap it inside a class so that other classes can use it as well without additional allocation

should I just go with?

auto db = new DB();
db.query("querying stuff");

but the "new" keyword always allocates, right?

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:48:32 GMT, Louie Bacani Foronda wrote:

Can you provide any other example on how you used this? aside from the void usedb() on the readme.

I have recently updated the README and added a couple more examples. Have a look at this and let me know if it works for you:

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

Although, I would advise you not to store connections. Connection should be locked for as little amount of time as possible, so that they get back to the connection pool and get reused as much as possible.

I took the above from your link, so basically how do you close the connection there is lockConnection but no freeConnection or releaseConnection, basically what I wanted to achieve is that upon running the server, I will initialize the connectionpool and keep it running until I close the server... when I was using DDBC + mysql-native I can basically run -c100 -t10s without error, but when I use mysql-lited, I get "too many connections" error, bad file descriptors, connection refused etc, I know that each of it is caused by some other events on the system, which prompts me to think that the connection is not being reused instead the code is spawning a connection for every single request, because the connection is not closed properly upon exiting, or the query is not being finished because the next query force closed the old connection, I was thinking of something like this in the class wrapper

auto insert(string[string] fv, string table){
   conn.lockConnection(); // lock connection
   scope(exit) conn.releaseConnection(); //release back to the pool on exit or error

   // query codes
   conn.execute("query here");

so that even if the code fails or error occurs, the connection will still be released as soon as it sees the closing bracket or as soon as the error occurs...

below is my source code for testing, afterwards i try to benchmark it using siege -c100 -t10s http://localhost:8080 and it fails...

class Db {
	static MySQLClient client;
	private MySQLClient.LockedConnection conn;
	shared static this(){
		client = new MySQLClient("host=;user=root;pwd=rootpassword;db=mewmew");
		this.conn = client.lockConnection();

	static void query (string s=""){
		//conn = client.lockConnection();
		conn.execute("insert into users (name, email) values (?, ?)", "frank", "");

here is a similar insert using my class that is using ddbc + mysql-native

class Db {
	static DataSource ds;
	MySQLDriver driver;

	static string[string] params;
	static string[string] config;
	static string url;

	shared static this(){		
		MySQLDriver driver;
	    driver = new MySQLDriver();
	    url = MySQLDriver.generateUrl(config["host"],!ushort(config["port"]), config["db"]);
	    params = MySQLDriver.setUserAndPassword(config["user"], config["pass"]);
	    ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(driver, url, params);

	auto insert( string[string] values, string table ){
		if(values.length <= 0){
			return false;
			string[] placeholders = new string[values.length];
			placeholders[] = "?";
			string sql = "INSERT INTO `" ~ table ~ "`(`" ~ join(values.keys, "`, `") ~ "`) VALUES (" ~ join(placeholders, ",") ~ ")";
			auto conn = ds.getConnection();
			scope(exit) conn.close();
			auto pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
			scope(exit) pstmt.close();
			int i=0;
			foreach(key, val; values){
				pstmt.setString(i, val);

				return true;
			else return false;


I like your approach on the mysql-lited, so I wanted to push through with it. I hope you could help me.

Re: htmld, cssd, and mysql-lited libraries

On Wed, 17 Feb 2016 16:29:53 GMT, Louie Bacani Foronda wrote:

Although, I would advise you not to store connections. Connection should be locked for as little amount of time as possible, so that they get back to the connection pool and get reused as much as possible.

I took the above from your link, so basically how do you close the connection there is lockConnection but no freeConnection or releaseConnection, basically what I wanted to achieve is that upon running the server, I will initialize the connectionpool and keep it running until I close the server... when I was using DDBC + mysql-native I can basically run -c100 -t10s without error, but when I use mysql-lited, I get "too many connections" error, bad file descriptors, connection refused etc, I know that each of it is caused by some other events on the system, which prompts me to think that the connection is not being reused instead the code is spawning a connection for every single request, because the connection is not closed properly upon exiting, or the query is not being finished because the next query force closed the old connection, I was thinking of something like this in the class wrapper

auto insert(string[string] fv, string table){
   conn.lockConnection(); // lock connection
   scope(exit) conn.releaseConnection(); //release back to the pool on exit or error

   // query codes
   conn.execute("query here");

so that even if the code fails or error occurs, the connection will still be released as soon as it sees the closing bracket or as soon as the error occurs...

below is my source code for testing, afterwards i try to benchmark it using siege -c100 -t10s http://localhost:8080 and it fails...

class Db {
	static MySQLClient client;
	private MySQLClient.LockedConnection conn;
	shared static this(){
		client = new MySQLClient("host=;user=root;pwd=rootpassword;db=mewmew");
		this.conn = client.lockConnection();

	static void query (string s=""){
		//conn = client.lockConnection();
		conn.execute("insert into users (name, email) values (?, ?)", "frank", "");

here is a similar insert using my class that is using ddbc + mysql-native

class Db {
	static DataSource ds;
	MySQLDriver driver;

	static string[string] params;
	static string[string] config;
	static string url;

	shared static this(){		
		MySQLDriver driver;
	    driver = new MySQLDriver();
	    url = MySQLDriver.generateUrl(config["host"],!ushort(config["port"]), config["db"]);
	    params = MySQLDriver.setUserAndPassword(config["user"], config["pass"]);
	    ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(driver, url, params);

	auto insert( string[string] values, string table ){
		if(values.length <= 0){
			return false;
			string[] placeholders = new string[values.length];
			placeholders[] = "?";
			string sql = "INSERT INTO `" ~ table ~ "`(`" ~ join(values.keys, "`, `") ~ "`) VALUES (" ~ join(placeholders, ",") ~ ")";
			auto conn = ds.getConnection();
			scope(exit) conn.close();
			auto pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
			scope(exit) pstmt.close();
			int i=0;
			foreach(key, val; values){
				pstmt.setString(i, val);

				return true;
			else return false;


I like your approach on the mysql-lited, so I wanted to push through with it. I hope you could help me.

So LockedConnection has a destructor that sends the connection back to the pool, so it should be automatically collected when it goes out of scope. If you store it in a class, then it will require your class to be finalized, i.e. the garbage collector to run or you calling destroy() on it explicitly.

Our app opens anywhere from 1-4 connections to MariaDB per request concurrently. We run independent queries concurrently to reduce user-facing latency, and we serve roughly ~20 of these requests per second. Our max_connections in MariaDB is set at 200 if I am not mistaken, and we have never reached it yet.

Basically, we open a do auto db = connection(); at that top of a route handler, after validations and authentications and whatnot, and it goes back to the pool as soon as the request ends. If your requests are long-lived you might end-up hitting max_connections, yes.

I would also suggest you try the text protocol instead if you want to squeeze in more performance. We are now using that on our whole infrastructure, and at some point I might make that the default for the driver, but at the moment I didn't want to change it under anyone's feet. The text protocol has some advantages, particularly interesting one is that it allows query caching since MariaDB 10.1 doesn't cache prepared queries, which is a shame, really.

There is an example in the README on how to turn on the text protocol. You shouldn't see any difference in your user code, everything is the same.

I see you are building an insert function - I am not sure if you've seen it, but mysql-lited comes with a very convenient batch inserter that automatically builds the query, escapes everything and also throttles by packet length for you, so you don't get those mysql pack length exceeded errors. :)

If that is not dynamic enough for you, then you can build your query using the appender module also provided, which has an appendValue() function that will automatically escape all supported D values for you and append it to your query. The inserter I mentioned uses that internally, if you need an example.

At some-point I might make that more dynamic i.e. accept arrays of column names and structs for values, but haven't had a pressing need for it yet.