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Errors while build Vibe on dmd 2.066

When build library or examples, then receive some messages with errors and deprecations. How fix this error?

....\source\vibe\core\core.d(1136): Error: function core.stdc.signal.signal (int sig, extern (C) void function(int) nothrow @nogc @system func) is not callable using argument types (int, extern (C) void function(int signal) nothrow)

Re: Errors while build Vibe on dmd 2.066

Am 01.09.2014 16:57, schrieb Alex Simonov:

When build library or examples, then receive some messages with errors and deprecations. How fix this error?

....\source\vibe\core\core.d(1136): Error: function core.stdc.signal.signal (int sig, extern (C) void function(int) nothrow @nogc @system func) is not callable using argument types (int, extern (C) void function(int signal) nothrow)

For now, you need to go with the latest alpha version (0.7.21-alpha.4).
When it is used as dependency, dub upgrade --prerelease or editing
dub.selections.json should do the trick.