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Getting Mongo to the webpage

This is definitely a noob question but what is the proper way to extract the database information and display it on the webpage? I am able to output it to the console just fine.
Or, to ask a different way, how do I take the information in a variable in app.d and display it in a diet template?

Re: Getting Mongo to the webpage

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014 01:58:07 GMT, BigRed wrote:

This is definitely a noob question but what is the proper way to extract the database information and display it on the webpage? I am able to output it to the console just fine.
Or, to ask a different way, how do I take the information in a variable in app.d and display it in a diet template?

You can pass arbitrary variables as additional template arguments to render!(). So a simple MongoDB query could look like this:

MongoCollection s_collection;

void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
    auto results = s_collection.find();
    render!("results.dt", results);


doctype 5
        p Results:
            - foreach (r; results)
                li= r.toJson().toString()