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Hi all,

Why are there two different types, Bson and Json? I think it would make more sense to have a single type ScriptObject and to/from methods for the various formats (this would make extending it to i.e. a json-compatible subset of YAML really easy).

Are there some incompatibilities between the formats?



On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:44:40 GMT, Nathan M. Swan wrote:

Hi all,

Why are there two different types, Bson and Json? I think it would make more sense to have a single type ScriptObject and to/from methods for the various formats (this would make extending it to i.e. a json-compatible subset of YAML really easy).

Are there some incompatibilities between the formats?


BSON supports a lot more data types than JSON (some of them also very BSON specific, nothing that is really pretty in a generic type) and the Bson struct also is optimized for allocation-free decoding (i.e. it uses the BSON binary representation in memory and decodes on access). Json on the other hand uses a normal D type representation internally.

YAML also seems to support more types than JSON (binary data and user defined types). So although all three have JSON as their intersection set, representing them as a single type would cause information loss/ambiguous representation in any of the target formats.