On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 17:04:01 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

There is one issue that may prevent TCPConnection from being used for
this in a "sane" way. In the libevent driver it uses bufferevent,
which has an internal prefetch buffer, so it would steal the incoming
data. But it should be possible to manually adopt a socket into the
libevent loop using a manually created event without problems. That
would then just need to be encapsulated cleanly somehow. Maybe like this:

interface SocketEventListener {
	enum Event {
		read = 1<<0,
		write = 1<<1,
		status = 1<<2,
		any = read|write|status
	void wait(Event which = Event.any);

SocketEventListener createSocketEventListener(int socket);

Any idea for a better name or anything that would be missing?

Sounds good.
Timeout support would probably be good. Although I think this could be implemented outside of SocketEventListener it's probably easier to add support in SocketEventListener.