On Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:25:10 GMT, David Eckardt wrote:

Following up on my other post, my main task reads from a TCP socket and needs to be interrupted on a signal:

void main()
	bool do_shutdown;

	auto t = runTask({
		auto conn = connectTCP("localhost", 4711);
		auto recvbuf = new ubyte[12345];
		while (!do_shutdown) {
			logInfo("Still alive...");

	eventDriver.signals.listen(SIGINT, (id, status, sig) {
		auto l = yieldLock();

		logInfo("Caught SIGINT!");

			logInfo("Initiating shutdown procedure...");
			// Cancel the read() call in the other task
			logInfo("Shut down!");


How do I cancel the read call during a shutdown? I found eventcore.socket.cancelRead, which accepts a ref StreamSocket argument, and I am not sure how to pass a TCPSocket.

You can do a t.interrupt() call, which causes an InterruptException to be thrown from read (which internally calls cancelRead).

BTW, there should also be a try-catch around the whole task function, which catches this exception, as well as others that may be thrown by connectTCP or read, but currently uncaught exceptions will just terminate the task, so in this case that may be okay.