Hi I've just tried to update to the latest D and vibe (tried both .7.17 and the latest nightly) and I'm getting some compilation errors that I'm not sure how to debug.

First, it's complaining about the uses of "0.seconds" as being "not a property". If I change that to seconds(0), it works, but then spits out a few more errors:
source\vibe\core\args.d(201): Error: not a property cpath.exists
source\vibe\data\json.d(754): Error: not a property this.m_type.to!string
source\vibe\data\json.d(757): Error: not a property typeId().to!string

Before I debug too much further into this, are these known issues or some problem with my setup? I've just wiped everything and installed the latest stuff through the D web site to be sure, and I'm compiling vibe through VisualD.

Is there a different version of D that I should be using or perhaps something wrong with the compilation settings? I'm just using the defaults from the VisualD file, other than switching to using the LibEvent driver.