Am 05.11.2012 14:23, schrieb Rene Zwanenburg:

I'm currently working on a smallish application with a web interface,
and vibe.d seems like a good fit for my needs.
However, the application depends on a large C library. Is it possible to
instruct vibe to link to a certain static library when using the 'vibe'
command from the project root? Or should I call rdmd myself?


You can put the library as a dflags entry into a package.json file in
the root directory:

	"name": "my-project",
	"description": "Project description...",
	"copyright": "Copyright (c) 2012",
	"authors": [],
	"dflags": [
		"path/to/somelib.lib",            (windows variant)
		"-L-lsomelib"                     (linux/mac variant)

Or, alternatively, set the DFLAGS environment variable with the lib
file. Different dflags for different platforms are not supported yet,
but will be added shortly.