On Tuesday, 19 June 2012 at 06:41:29 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

rdmd automatically finds all .d files that the app.d depends on

  • dmd doesn't do this and thus the linking will fail. If you

just want to build without running you can also navigate to the
example directory (e.g. examples/http_server) and then execute
"vibe build". You will then get an app.exe that can be run

Alternatively, building without rdmd just requires to pass all
source files to the compiler. Something like the following
should work:

On Windows:

rem find all source files
cd ../source
dir /s /b .d > ../examples/http_server/files.txt
cd ../examples/http_server/source
dir /s /b
.d >> ../files.txt
rem remove some files now by hand...

rem build the example
cd ..
set LIBDIR=....\lib\win-i386
set LIBS="%LIBDIR%\event2.lib" "%LIBDIR%\eay.lib"
"%LIBDIR%\ssl.lib" ws2_32.lib
dmd -ofapp.exe -I../../source -Isource -Jviews %LIBS% @files.txt

On Posix systems:

find all source files

cd ../source
find -name .d > ../examples/http_server/files.txt
cd ../examples/http_server/source
find -name
.d >> ../files.txt

remove some files now by hand...

build the example

cd ..
LIBS=-L-levent_pthreads -L-levent -L-lssl -L-lcrypto
dmd -ofapp -I../../source -Isource -Jviews $LIBS @files.txt

The following files need to be removed from files.txt prior to
compilation as they are currently not compiling successfully:


I just did a quick test on windows, so no guarantee that the
posix version works correctly.

Thanks for giving this. I was just about to ask the same thing. I
want to be able to build my app inside MonoDevelop instead of a
second step using vibe build.

I'm very pleased with Vibe.d so far. Thanks for putting this