
I have json payloads to process which are 80% similar. However, one field - let's say "animal" - is different in each case.

  "p": "some text",
  "n": 1234,
  "animal": { "age": 12, "name": "cat"}

Or sometimes as

  "p": "some text",
  "n": 1234,
  "animal": { "says": "bowwow", "name": "dog"}

What's a clean (and simple) way to deserialize this object? I was hoping to do this, but it fails:

struct MyResponse {
  string p;
  int n;
  Json animal;

auto res = deserializeJson!MyResponse(stringFromCurl);

I also tried a template, but I've had trouble getting the logic to flow. In one method I keep getting stuck with the compile error Error: variable r cannot be read at compile time

struct MyResponse(T) {
  string p;
  int n;
  T animal;

struct Cat {
  string name;
  int age;

auto res = deserializeJson!(MyResponse!Cat(stringFromCurl));