I have a case which can be summarized like below:

class C 
	bool veryImportantFlag = false;

class B
	C[] list;

class D
      A a; 
      B b;

      this ()
         a = new A; 
         b = new B;
         // add some C inside of b 


      void updateLoop()
        //!! set some the veryImportantFlag = true  

      void foo( B temp )

class A 
	Tuple!(bool, vibe.core.concurrency.Future!(bool)) futureCancelSell;

	void Finalize( B list )
		if ( !futureCancelSell[0] || futureCancelSell[1].ready() ) 
			futureCancelSell[0] = true;
			futureCancelSell[1] = vibe.core.concurrency.async( &CheckPreviousSells, list);
	void CheckPreviousSells( B param )
		param.list.filter!(a => a.veryImportantFlag);  


Very strange sometimes even the "veryImportantFlag" is true inside "CheckPreviousSells" function

 param.list.filter!(a => a.veryImportantFlag);  

Returns empty list. This problem does not happen if I remove async call and make it a blocking call.

I am curious if this something related with passing the value with reference. Do you guys have any idea why I am habing this problem.

Also not important but whenever I need to make async calls I am needing to hold a Tuple like

Tuple!(bool, vibe.core.concurrency.Future!(bool)) futureCancelSell;

Is there any better solution for this? Can I avoid the boolean somehow?