When using vibe.d 0.8.0 with ldc2 1.3.0-beta2 on windows, trying to send or sendCompat anything to a task created before the sender, causes a range violation. This does not happen with dmd.

CoreTaskFiber was terminated unexpectedly: Range violation

This program will reproduce the error. Swapping the runTask lines will produce the expected hello output.

import std.stdio;
import core.time;
import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.core.concurrency;

Task alice;
Task bob;

int main () {
    bob = runTask(() { bobProc(); });
    alice = runTask(() { aliceProc(); });

    setTimer(1.seconds, () { exitEventLoop(); });
    return runEventLoop();

void aliceProc () {
    send(bob, "hello");

void bobProc () {
        (string s) { writeln(s); }