We all know that the web is poorly designed for application development.
I'm struggling with the concept of which radio button should be checked
based on a D variable.

Everyone here probably knows this, but in html, the way you say which
radio button is checked is to add a "checked='anything'" to the radio

Let's say you have a boolean value, and you want to check "yes" or "no"
depending on that value. I'm looking at this code I wrote, and it's awful:

     #b Boolean is set:
       - if(mybool)
         label(for='b_yes') Yes
         label(for='b_no') No
       - else
         label(for='b_yes') Yes
         label(for='b_no') No

Can diet handle adding or not adding an attribute based on a D boolean?
That would make this a LOT better.

You can imagine a set of radio buttons that is larger being even more
horrible, though looping and nesting the if statement makes it a little
more palatable (but not by much).
