interface API

    @path("mytrack")           @method(HTTPMethod.GET)    void postForm(string name); 

class MyRouter : API
   Config config;
   Database database;
   this(Config config, Database database)
    this.config = config;
    this.database = database;

    void getForm(string _error = null)
        render!("index.dt", _error);

    void postForm(string name)
        if (name.length == 0)
            throw new Exception("Name must not be empty");


The vibed 0.8.0-beta6 is going down after access to next URL with error:

CoreTaskFiber was terminated unexpectedly: Access Violation
Program exited with code -1

What I am doing wrong?

Can I do writeln inside getForm instead of render!("index.dt", _error);?