On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 11:29:33 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

I got a bit confused, thinking that alias this is indeed used by the serializer by accident (it is not explicitly supported at the moment) and had to postpone the analysis. What I think happens instead is that the serialized output contains both, the data array and a cnvrt field, because read+write properties are serialized like ordinary fields.

The easiest fix for this would be to annotate the cnvrt properties with @ignore. To make things a bit more pretty, the struct could alternatively also be represented as a single binary blob by defining toRepresentation and fromRepresentation methods:

struct compressedString
    // ...

    ubyte[] toRepresentation() { return data; }
    static compressedString fromRepresentation(ubyte[] data)
        compressedString ret;
        ret.data = data;
        return ret;

Ah, that's nice, decoupling serialization from everything else. Thank you.

I can confirm that your working hypothesis is correct, i.e. that the serialized output contains both the compressed data and a cnvrt field.