Am 12.02.2017 um 20:54 schrieb Carl Sturtivant:

On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 02:40:46 GMT, Carl Sturtivant wrote:

Implemented now: 2db5145

Very nice.

OK, so I moved the project up to

dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.8.0-beta.1"
dependency "diet-ng" version="~>1.1"
subConfiguration "vibe-d:core" "vibe-core"

and it built under 0.8.0-beta.3.

I took a look at the by-default-pretty HTML output from a template and noticed that the head of the document was not pretty, but rather the tags were all on one line, while the body was indeed pretty.

Is this what you intended?

Also, a small stylesheet definition embedded in the head with :css appeared nicely but the style tags were not indented, and the css itself was indented only relative to the style tags, not to the current level of indentation.

Perhaps this is what's intended...?

Definitely not intended. In case of text filters, pretty printing is
simply not implemented, but the head case sounds strange. Can you post a
short snippet that reproduces the issue?