I just included the diet-ng as a dependency in my project and it will no longer build. I used html2jade previously to check my template syntax and was able to solve problems fairly quickly.
Using diet-ng produces some errors that I can not begin to figure out. I have included an example line from my template that worked without diet-ng:

input#form_instructions(type = 'hidden',name = 'form_instruction',value  = 'update') 

This produces the following error output:

../../../.dub/packages/diet-ng-1.1.1/diet-ng/source/diet/defs.d(34,3): Error: "useredit.dt(15): Singular HTML element 'input' may not have contents."

followed by another error

../../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.30/vibe-d/source/vibe/http/server.d(213,3): Error: template instance app.TMapp.getEditUser.render!("useredit.dt", _error, theUser, state, customerLink, allcountries, allRoles, allAlertFilters, allEventFilters, allClients, ud, legend, perms).render!("app", "app.TMapp.getEditUser").render.compileHTMLDietFile!("useredit.dt", req, _error, theUser, state, customerLink, allcountries, allRoles, allAlertFilters, allEventFilters, allClients, ud, legend, perms, DefaultFilters) error instantiating

Other than these two errors it would seem with a little work (pretty output) I could make the leap. Any help in pointing out the error of my ways or similar support tools like html2jade would be very much appreciated.
