Am 02.01.2017 um 18:15 schrieb Inquie:

What is the maximum number of restful commands that can be queued? For each one I do quite a bit of work which takes several minutes sometimes. I see that I can queue up several of them with no problem but I do not know how safe this is and if I need to actually write a separate queuing routine.

Each command is around 1k bytes. What happens if I do to many? Crash, drops, or is it safe?

It depends on what the handler does exactly. If they allocate a lot of
memory, it may be necessary to implement an explicit limit (e.g. using
TaskSemaphore) to keep the process from running out of memory.
Otherwise, basically any number of concurrent requests should be fine.

If there are lengthy CPU computations involved, these should regularly
call yield(), so that other requests/tasks can still be processed.
Ideally, the computation itself would also be done within a
runWorkerTask(), so that the main thread stays fully available for
handling requests.