On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:25:59 GMT, Tadao Usuzaka wrote:

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
				   throws ServletException, IOException {
	RequestDispatcher rd = null;
	String nextaction = request.getParameter("action");
	String nexturl = (String)hm.get(nextaction);
	if (nexturl != null) {
		rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(nexturl);
		rd.forward(request, response);


It's pity, in vibe.d default router routes not to class instances or pages, but to lambdas or webinterface class methods. So it will be like this:

class WebInterface
    static immutable actions[] = ["bbslist", "bbsrefer", "bbswrite", "bbswritecfm", "bbswriteok"];

    void getDispatcherUrl(string action)
        import std.algorithm: canFind;
        import vibe.web.web: redirect;

            // process incorrect argument

    void getBbslist(){ ... }
    void getBbsrefer(){ ... }
