Am 09.11.2016 um 23:51 schrieb Carl Sturtivant:

Hello, I ran a simple HTML hello world using vibe.d configured to use 0.7.30 and diet-ng 1.1 in the way indicated in the diet-ng article mentioned in .

When I viewed source in Firefox/Linux all of the HTML was on one line, unlike the example here. My template was very simple.

doctype html

    title Greetings from vibe.d
    Hello World

But view source in Firefox showed all html generated from this on one line, not laid out neatly with indentation for the tags as in the link above. How can I get that indentation?

You can define a special traits struct (multiple such structs can be
defined) to configure the behavior, including how the output is formatted:

import diet.traits;
@dietTraits struct Traits {
     enum htmlOutputStyle = HTMLOutputStyle.pretty;

render!("index.dt", Traits);

I'll probably add a version that can be used to change this behavior
globally for vibe.d, without having to define traits.