Spent the last hour trying to figure out why my @after annotations weren't working. I don't think it's necessarily a bug but it's something to watch out for and I thought posting here would help future Internet searchers.

Adapting the example REST code, this doesn't work:

interface Example5API
    @before!authenticate("user") @after!addBrackets
    string getSecret(int num, User user);

while this code does work:

interface Example5API
    @before!authenticate("user") @after!addBrackets()
    string getSecret(int num, User user);

The difference is the subtle omission of parentheses on the @after annotation. I am accustomed to omitting these with D's lenient property syntax and got bit by it here. Unfortunately both versions compile and run, but in the paran-less version, the addBrackets handler is silently never called.