On 7/21/16 5:53 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Let's say I have a request to get all items in a database.

I want to serialize the data to JSON to the client, but I don't want to
read the entire database into an array/Json object, and then write it out.

OK, so here is some code I wrote to try and do this with existing
features (the orgs range is something I wrote that fetches data into a
struct one database row at a time):

         // write each org as json data
         res.headers["Content-type"] = "application/json";
         auto rng = StreamOutputRange(res.bodyWriter);
         bool first = true;
         foreach(o; orgs)
                 first = false;
             // serializeToJson(&rng, o); // option 1
             rng.put(serializeToJsonString(o)); // option 2

So there are some performance issues here. If I use option 1, it's very
slow. For my dataset which has about 20,000 rows, it takes 4 seconds to
transmit the result.

For option 2, it takes 2 seconds. This doesn't make a lot of sense, I
would have expected option 1 to be faster.

I changed the output to just print the id of the row object, and the
time reduced to 400ms. So this pretty much measures the time to fetch
data from the DB.

If I save the outputted json to a file, and serve that, it's 150ms.

This shouldn't take that long to serialize json. Has anyone examined
json performance in vibe? I'd like to help...

Oh, and yes I'm using -b release.
