On Sunday, 19 August 2012 at 07:34:21 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 19.08.2012 08:35, schrieb 1100110:

first off, vibe.d is awesome, and one of the many key projects
needs to thrive.


The specification calls for every project to have a 'app.d'
and thus if you run 'vibe build' the resulting binary is 'app'.

So I propose that an alternative be allowed: ProjectName.d
Easy to implement, Easy to check for.

I'll even fix the vibe script to do it, and submit a pull

Sounds like a good idea. I think it would also make sense to
support passing the file name to the script explicitly to be
able to support multiple applications in one directory. If you
want to do a pull request for anything in this area, I'll be
happy to merge it in.

Awesome, I'll see what I can do.
I actually came very close to suggesting that it accept passing a
But right now it does not appear that vibe.d is capable of simply
running the program. It would be really nice to support
caching the executable in ./bin/ or similar. But it seems vibe
is recompiled each time it is run.

Which definitely is not a problem, since dmd compiles so fast.
I just caught myself waiting for a few seconds and thought "come
on, its not like your compiling or any.... well, then nevermind."

what exactly is the point of cp'ing and rm'ing vpm.d?

copy vpm.d to /tmp and make it deletable by anyone

cp -p "$VIBEPATH"/vpm.d /tmp/vpm.d
chmod 666 /tmp/vpm.d

run VPM and delete the vpm.d file again, VPM will output the

compile/run script
rdmd -g -w -property -I"$VIBEPATH"/../source $LIBS -Jviews
-Isource /tmp/vpm.d "$VIBEPATH" "$START_SCRIPT" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
$7 $8 $9
rm /tmp/vpm.d

would it not make more sense to simply rdmd "$VIBEPATH"/vpm.d &&
rdmd "$START_SCRIPT"? (pretend I typed all that out...)

I removed "rm /tmp/vibe.d" on my local machine and observed no
differences other than -2 seconds from the start time. A quick
once-through and I see no static enum mixins or anything strange
like that. I can't figure out a reason for not allowing rdmd to
cache that executable. Or the specific project executable for
that matter.

Also to whomever runs the vpm registry,
does not parse email addresses correctly. It claims that
"An email user name must not begin with a number."

My email begins with a number, my username does not. I think
checking both when it should not be.

It also claims that usernames must be at least 3 characters
when the
username is 3 characters.

It's currently using an ad-hoc check in vibe.utils.validation,
that was not given to much attention because the
std.net.isemail module was not working for DMD 2.059. So if DMD
2.060 is fixed in that regard, it'll be a matter of commenting
in some lines to hopefully have it fully standards compliant.
I'll look into that.

It's also planned to put the whole thing on github but some
code restructuring is necessary, because it currently uses a
library that is not supposed to be public. So the relevant code
needs to be extracted beforehand.

Yeah, I looked for it, but I figured it was something like that.